Snap Shot...
A series of interests and hobbies consume my time.
When I'm not working on my Internet marketing consulting business; I'm writing, blogging, browsing bookstores, watching movies, hanging out in coffee shops, listening to music, working on websites, taking photographs, making independent films, and spending time with family and friends, their kids, & seeing my new niece and nephew when I can!
Through the pages of this site, you'll get to learn more about my individual hobbies as well as get a chance to learn about some of my work.
I'm a...
Gum chewing
Book buying
Citylight Lincoln attending
Caffeine consuming
Cheesecake eating
Movie watching
Trailer watching
Channel surfing
Netflix (queue) adding
Android using
Couch relaxing
Coffee drinking
Road tripping
iPod loading
Jars of Clay following
Music listening
The Voice cheering
"This is Us" loving
"A Million Little Things" following
...kinda dude!